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prorender | PPT - distributed progressive path tracing setup

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Anmeldungsdatum: 31.08.2010
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 31.08.2010 21:16    Titel: prorender | PPT - distributed progressive path tracing setup Antworten mit Zitat
Dear V-Ray users,

perhaps you heard about the topic of PPT - progressive path tracing rendering. Until now there is no possibility to distribute the calculation inside of V-Ray on several render nodes.

PPT can create high-quality and unbiased rendering results and takes for this much time.

Here I give you a summary how to setup your render settings to distribute the renderings having different light path calculations on a render farm and finally merge them together by the blendimg tool. By doing so the final and merged renderings have a better quality with less noise.

Here you can see the V-Ray settings for PPT setup over multiple and distributed render nodes:

After starting and calculating the render job the different .hdr images were saved on the selected network path. Finally use the blendimg tool which you can find on The blendimg tool runs either by executing it with the cmd prompt or you can easily create a .bat file to automate the procedures of merging the images together.

Thats all for now and I hope I could help you in distributed ppt workflow to get high-quality, accurate and unbiased rendering results for production stills.

For informations about rendering technology and render farms please visit our website We can also help you with a comprehensive render service including the rental and selling of render nodes, render servers and render farms and a professional render service for multiple rendering engines.

Daniel Krüger
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